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The Special Ordinary Partnership

Posted on:2011-07-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the fundamental of civil law, the paper concerns the Special Ordinary Partnership by using various methodologies including comparison, analysis, induction, and historical science. It makes an in-depth and systematic study and provides a set of integrated suggestions.Apart from Introduction and Conclusion, the paper is made up of four parts. Part one is an overview of the Limited Liability Partnership. It provides an definition of the Limited Liability Partnership, and introduces the origin and development of the Limited Liability Partnership and compares it with other corporation forms. Then it's about legal status of the Limited Liability Partnership.Part two discusses the Special Ordinary Partnership. Section one discusses the background and structure. Section two provides an definition of the Special Ordinary Partnership, and compares it with the Limited Liability Partnership.Part three discusses the characteristic of the Special Ordinary Partnership, which are the scope of the liability of partners and the protection system of interest of the creditors. Section one discusses the scope of limited liability under different statutes, section two discusses prerequisites such as insurance and financial responsibility requirements.The final part suggests the significance and the difficulties of establishing the Special Ordinary Partnership in China, and provides feasible legislative suggestions and perspectives as the conclusion of the thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Special Ordinary Partnership, the scope of liability, the protection of creditors, legislative suggestions
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