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Research On The Instruction Of The Solid Geometry Under The Guidance Of Constructivism

Posted on:2002-08-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C C WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360032953524Subject:Pedagogical ¡¤ mathematics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Constructivism is the further development of the theories for study when behaviorism has already developed into cognitions It holds that the nature of man's cognition lies in the subject's dynamic constructing his understanding of the object of cognition by means of his own experience under given social environment .Constructivism attaches great importance to the function of the knowledge a man has already achieved and his psychology structure and lay special emphasis on the initiative, the social & contextual factors The current constructivism goes like this (1) study is a process during which the learners actively construct the internal psychological symptoms ; (2)Study is a process of affinity with a two-way construction ; (3)The learner's level they have already achieved plays a decisive role in the process of study .Based on the above-entioned interpretations the current constructivists put forward a series of new pedagogic thoughts manifested by the following ; (l)Cognitive Flexibility Theory and Random Access Instruction; (2) Top-own teaching pattern and the network concept of knowledge framework; (3) Situated instructions; (4) Scaffolding instruction Solid geometry gives priority to the importance of the solid foundationuring the process of the concept teaching the teachers are bond to stimulate the motivation , fully igite the students?enthusiasm initiative , expose the mature of the concepts by means of the models Any concept in geometry lies in a system or concepts , thus can be deepened in its respective system The teaching of theorem con be conducted as the process of thought affinity :to expose the cause @~ffect of a given theorem by the setting up of certain context and provision of the relevant background information, to abstract ire the conclusion from the charges , to auguries the so lotions to the problems by analysis @exploration , to strengthen the key points of application in exercise of various patterns. In addition, a student shoed also know how to draw and interpreter the designs and lets the signs speak for themselves . The connection between solid geometry and plane geometry should be encouraged to improve the positive transfer by analogy ;to emphasizes analysis so as to clear away the negative transfer ;to integrate the two and transfer .The knowledge framework of the text is to be analyzed, the entirety of the knowledge to be stressed, the major points to be big lighted .The various methods of thought analogy upgrading and degrading , should be harmoniously integrated so as to form well structured knowledge .The instructions should be regulated the roles of primary cognition be developed and the special concepts be perfected.
Keywords/Search Tags:eonstructivism, cognitive framework, solid geometry, primary cognition, concept
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