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Strategies Of Information Processing Of Teaching Chinese

Posted on:2002-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ChenFull Text:PDF
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According to the opinion of information-processing of cognition psychology, the study activities of feeling, understanding, marking, application arc the inputing, processing, handing. output,etc. during the teaching activities in the class for the students. The information processing activities have relationships with memory in the key of teaching. The memory activities are the medium and bridge of information processing. In addition, teaching course is one kind of activity of strategy application. How the courses of teaching information processing in the class and students, recogni/ation effectivity are based on the strategy mainly. The information processing to use rclavant to assist teaching shall improve efficiency of teaching in the class, strategies as follows:1 Indicate attentionAs long as you pay more attention to information, it can entry the "Gate" of information processing. The indicate attention can be operated by careful design guide language, question, books2 Directive activationKnowledge is organized by net structure, activates the original knowledge in the net is the key of information process. The premise is to untcrstand students to know original knowledge structure and recognization modes. In addition, the activated emotion is also improtant which can be based on teaching materials . language .etc. and also on motion language, etc. mind signal and on intention, interest.etc internal factory3 Guide retellThe information know shall be kept in memory shortly. The information can be repeated only so that it can be kept in the memory shortly better, and even direct to entry short-term memory The effective retell is keeping, creation and inspection modes4 Instruction chunkingAccording to the sense of Miller, the chunking is a unit of information processing and all a kind of information processing. The combing not only keep the information better, but also attain the information . The chunking strategy has simplification , dual coding and outside memory .
Keywords/Search Tags:cognition psychology, information processing, teaching stragegies, memory
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