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The Exploration And Practice Of Clue Leading To Inquiry Instruction Model

Posted on:2004-09-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L D ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360092993195Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Clue leading to Inquiry(CLI) instruction model is a research topic engaged by my school1 together with Shajiao middle school in Shunde Guangdong province.The model.which has been experienced in teaching practice ,now is shaping up.According to the CLI instruction model,the class teaching activities should be organized in the sequence of point.line, place and space,which embodies the structure and connotation of class teaching procedure and turns the class into a research center.The teaching sequence of " and space" is a special kind of teaching activity. It's based on the cognition.knowledge and thoughts condition of students.According to this model.the class activities are looked upon as systematical,integrated and step-by-step research process.The first step of dispalying the class activity is the so-called"point",which is the opening step of organizing the whole class activity.Then based on the "point",we can carry out the "guiding to research" through solving questions and making experiments,the "knowledge chunk" is finally organized and formed.At last by connecting the basic of "knowledge chunk" with new problems and materials,the students'ability space is enlarged.The guiding idea of trying to find out new teaching model suitable for new curriculum is to let research learning help teaching,help the students develop in the research,grow up in the researched end up the teaching with the result that teachers enjoy teaching and students enjoy learning.In the teaching practice,we take the learning plan as the carrier of the model.because we intend to reflect a new idea of teaching guided through learning plan.The teaching thoughts is mainly about the students learning thoughts and restructures the students'knowledge system.The students can finish the learning plan in step with the attending the research activities.The thesis makes a deep research on the model in terms of the background .guiding ideology.structure connotation and teaching process.Combined with the teaching practice.thethesis presents a new evaluation plan for the class teaching activities through the understanding of the new curriculum standard.
Keywords/Search Tags:chemistry teaching, Clue leading to Inquiry, instruction model, point-line-plane-space
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