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On Practice And Research For Cultivating Students' Autonomous Learning Ability In Junior English Teaching

Posted on:2009-04-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M WangFull Text:PDF
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It is very important to cultivate the students′autonomous learning, help them to have good studying habit, make them believed in learning, finish learning in all their life. This article absorbed the famous experts'researcher results in China and in the world, and practical teaching English, describe the particular part of autonomous learning. Automous learning means"the ability to take charge of one's learning". Because they have strong learning motivation, so they can plan, arrange their language learning ahead. They can check out, evaluate, feedback their learning activities, and control their language learning.During cultivating the middle school students to grasp the ability of autonomous learning, we must analysis the elements influenced on the middle school students. We think that it contains many aspects on autonomous learning. It can be divided into external and internal elements. The external elements contain mental and nonintellectual factor. We must understand what mental elements and what nonintellectual factor are. We can grasp the key of autonomous learning. The influences of abstract, consciousness, recalling belong to mental elements. It plays an important role in learning language. Learning motivation, attitude, interesting, feelings are very important for them to form autonomous learning. They belong to nonintellectual factor. It will play an important role to encourage middle school students study hard, show their latent capacity in language learning, and finish their activities very well. It can move, guide, maintain, adjust, enforce, and keep learning activities. Nonintellectual factor make great influences on mental, mental elements can make nonintellectual factor to develop greatly.In order for autonomous learning to be successful, teachers must prepare their students to accept more responsibility for their learning than they may be accustomed to. In order to do this, teachers must initiate discussions and activities in the class which challenge students'traditional beliefs about learning a language and their expectation of their abilities as language learners. This preparation can become part of the teaching strategies adopted by teachers.We must realize the situation of middle school students'autonomous learning if we want to train them have great ability in learning language. So we must use all kind of methods to analysis how they begin their autonomous learning. We have interviewed 190 middle school students in Baotou city.. We design asking questionnaires papers. The testing papers are based by theories of many experts in China and in the world. The testing paper contains 40 aspects and 6 areas. (1) The teaching target, intention, requisition. (2) Students establish learning target and making learning plan. (3) Students use learning strategies effectively. (4) Students check up their learning strategies. (5) Students check up and evaluate their language learning. Meanwhile, we interviewed 30 students. The result told us that the middle school students'autonomous learning ability are very poor. So we advice that students must establish good idea, raise their autonomous learning ability and have autonomous learning habit, encourage them to use learning strategies.
Keywords/Search Tags:autonomous learning, Learning strategy, learner training
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