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A Survey And Research Of Learner Autonomy In Senior Middle Schools

Posted on:2010-02-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S P HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360302962041Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis is aimed at discovering the proper approach to promote the learning autonomy of students in a senior middle school.Firstly, analyses are conducted upon the autonomous learning in English about Senior Middle School Students, with the definition interpreted as well. Secondly, by surveying the 296 students from Seniors I, II students and making some quantitative analyses, the research comes to the conclusion: that the autonomy—based learning abilities of the students are still poor and unbalanced in every part of it. At the end of the paper, some beneficial measurements about promoting the abilities of LA have been put forward.This thesis mainly introduces the background, purpose and current situation of Learner Autonomy. For modern education advocates the new form of learning style. In Chinese new curriculum reform, the change of learning style has been an important characteristic. The transformation in learning method means the change in individual's existence and development. However, in English teaching, teachers perform their work with poor teaching efficiency. As for learners, they feel afraid of difficulty in their English learning. By the same token, they are lacking in initiatives. So it is necessary that we should strive to help and transform their learning methods, facilitating the establishment of students—oriented learning method (autonomous learning)Effective data can be collected by means of authentic researches and actual questionnaires. What follows is the comparative analysis among grades in terms of related data and statistics. The comparative and general analyses are also conducted upon the comparison among the autonomous learning styles for the first and the last 10 students in the grades. It serves as a good method to have a better understanding of students'autonomous learning situations in English in normal senior middle schools.Based on the result achieved from the investigation, discussions are made to study students'application of English autonomous learning strategies. And the effects of autonomous learning strategies on students'achievements are also touched on. In addition, the discussions are concerned about teachers'training in students'autonomous English learning strategies. Meanwhile, teaching instructions are implemented purposefully to instruct students'autonomous learning strategies in previewing, tutoring revision, correcting errors and supervising. Besides, the instruction in the autonomous learning both inside the class and outside the class should be intensified. What's more, special emphasis should be laid upon the training of students'autonomous learning abilities, which aims at enabling students to design and carry out learning experiments by themselves. Furthermore, teachers should change their concepts and implement the"students-centered"teaching method, which is ideal to the full. As teachers, they should instruct students to fix learning objects and formulate their learning plans and make assessments in time. Next, various kinds of resources should be utilized to the full to open multi—channel for English learning. Moreover, previous ideas and teaching concepts should be updated to stimulate students'interest and foster students'initiative in learning. It strives for improving students'learning status quo in Grade one, Senior middle schools. Furthermore, teachers ought to study learning conditions and regulate their teaching methodology with the effort to teach in a stratified way. Moreover, the guidance in students'learning methods should also be stressed to make up for the feeble links in learning. Thus, students'learning should be promoted to enhance their individual qualities. And teachers ought to create conditions to advocate eliciting teaching method. What turns out to be important is to change their roles to choose the most suitable learning materials for students. Only in this way can students'abilities be fostered and can the foundations be laid for students'life-long learning.As a famous Chinese saying goes,"Give a man fish, he will have a meal; teach him to fish, he will have food all his life."As long as learners master the ability in autonomous learning, life-long education can be made possible.
Keywords/Search Tags:autonomous learning, autonomous learning abilities, autonomous learning strategies and training
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