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Comparison Analysis For Procrastination Between Undergraduate And Graduate Students

Posted on:2010-08-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360278476093Subject:TCM History and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Procrastination is a behavior that is characterized by deferment of action or tasks, which have to be done, to a later time. In this research, PASS is adopted as investigating tools to compare and explore the procrastinating behaviors from 206 undergraduate students and 108 graduate students in six normal universities by self-report.(1) Generally considering, the procrastination level of undergraduate and graduate students are not high. There is no serious procrastination occuring in undergraduate students, but exising in a few graduate students. The procrastination level of graduate students is general higher than undergraduate students'.(2) Amoug writing report, preparing exam, experiment task, adimistration task, attendance task, and daily affair, academic tasks have higher procrastination grade than non-academic tasks. The most procrastinated tasks in undergraduate students is preparing exam, while it is writing report in graduate students. The least procrastinated tasks in both of them is attendance task.(3) Although the level of procrastination in not high in the research, the target students are strongly willing to decrease procrastination. Undergraduate students want to decrease procrastination in preparing exam most, while graduate students want to decrease it in writing report most.(4) Referring to the previous reseach, fearing failure and hating task are the primary reasons that result in students'procrastination. However, this research indicates that two types of students have different characters of procratination behavior basing on different education backgrounds.(5) According to the correlated investigation in integrating procrastination with personality, three types of personality demension—psychoticism(P), neuroticism(N), and extrovision&Introvision(E) are not strongly correlated with procrastination grade. It is believed that students' procrastination behavior are not affected a lot by personality, the primary reason causing procrastination is the characters of the tasks.
Keywords/Search Tags:Procrastination, Undergraduate Student, Graduate Student, Personality trait
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