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A Study On The Story Of Love In

Posted on:2017-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330503486147Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper takes the stories recording love between humans and foxes in “Liao Zhai Zhi Yi” as the object of my research.Research contents includes the cultural source of them, the developing process, the world that foxes live and the love between humans and foxes.I laid special stress on analysing the plot types, the character images and the reason why Songling Pu created these stories.The cultural source of these love stories can be traced back to the pre-qin period. The fox are more like a cultural phenomenon than an ordinary animal at the beginning of the civilization, due to the cultural concept and religious belief in the role of consciousness. Gradually with the further development of a spirit idea, foxes started to have people’s shape. The ancient stories of people and animal’s marriage as well as the the myth of Dayu married Tu Shan inspired them, contributed to the birth of this motif. The story first appeared in the wei jin southern and northern dynasties, since then,for thousands of years of history of Chinese literature, they has become indispensable in the system of the mystery. Its development in various dynasties is very different. Overall, the stores increasingly become the ideal carrier of writers to write their own emotion and ambition.Songling Pu used about 80 stories built a world where foxes and human beings lived together.Foxes got people’s shape through deep breathing, filling, breathe in uniting the adults or fox spirit, most with a few undifferentiated morphology with humans and breathtaking superpowers.Sometimes they can make peace with the human, but sometimes they has conflicts and wars with human. There are 39 love stories, whose love pattern can be subdivided into four types. The male leading role is a scholar temperament, with those bright shadow man on earth, but one is a female youth girls, freedom to indulge, more human nature, full of mystery and idealism color fox woman;Story as a whole reflects the ups and downs in the era of anguish and life of Songling Pu for affirmation of their own value and high self-confidence."Liao Zhai Zhi Yi" foxes love story is a shining pearl on the mystery novels. Songling Pu followed tradition of these stories, using his pen and powerful inclusive incisively and vividly depicts the considerable, gleaming fox love stories, to break the old single plot model, created many impressive fox typical. His love stories are touching, condensation with Songling Pu’s sad life and bitterness, bearing the weight of the collective sadness of those who lived in the Qing dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Love between human and foxes, Culture origin, Plot model, Character creation, Reason of creation
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