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Design And Implement Of A SIGTRAN Signalling Gateway

Posted on:2008-09-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360272469454Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As network becoming more and more broadband and intelligent, the convergence of the legacy telecommunication network and the Packet Based Network is coming. As a result, in the future, the Packet Based Network will act as the Carrying Network with multiple access ways. Today, SS7 is used widely in PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network), ISDN, IN (Intelligent Network) and Mobile Network. As it will take a long time to evaluate the telecommunication from the legacy SS7 network into the next generation network (NGN), it is on demand of the access gateway to transfer SCN signalling to the Packet Based Network, and SG (Signalling Gateway) is that one.In the paper, we design a system of Sigtran SG and present her features. The system is developed over Interphase Inc. signalling card and presented on the AdvancedTCA platform. The software enviroment is Linux. The SG software system includes the signalling part and the network management part, which is a layer-structure design. The signalling part can succeed in transfer SCN signaling from SS7 to IP over M3UA; The network management part deploys SNMP technology to manage the configuration, performance, stastic and fault of software modules and hardwares.The system tests well in the lab and all functions operate well.
Keywords/Search Tags:NGN, Sigtran, SG, SS7, IP, M3UA, MTP3
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