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The Study & Implementation Of Protocol Adaptor Based On M3UA In NGN

Posted on:2008-04-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z W LanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360215982320Subject:Computer Science and Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The future telecommunication network is developed in the trends of convergence, especially in the convergence of IP network and traditional telecommunication network. In this trends, the Softswitch based Next Generation Network (NGN) becomes a remarkable research direction. The problem of interoperability between IP network and Switch Circuit Network (SCN) has to be solved. Under the impetus of this demand, the gateway with interoperability function appears at the junction of two networks. And, the signalling between Signalling Gateway (SG) and Media Gateway Control (MGC) is transmitted by Signalling Transport (SIGTRAN). So it requires that both SG and MGC support SIGTRAN protocol. In the mobile domain, the Message Transfer Part 3 - User Adaptation Layer (M3UA) protocol is used mostly. At the Release 4 version, 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) recommended the signalling solution based on M3UA/SCTP/IP. Whatever in the mobile domain or fixed domain, the M3UA is preferred adaptor in both SG and MGC. In related network entities, the M3UA protocol stack occupies the more important position.This paper studies the role and status of SIGTRAN and SCTP in NGN, and combining IPSCP, SG and IPSP model in the intelligent network implemented a generic M3UA protocol stack. This article can be summarized as follows:The first part of this article introduces the related technology of signalling network. This part begins with the introduction of relationship between traditional telecommunication network and NGN, and signalling interoperability issues. Next, SS7 is introduced. Then, we introduce some protocols of SIGTRAN. At last, it is a corresponding IP signaling network topology briefing.The second part mainly analyzes the M3UA protocol. First, brief the some basic concepts of M3UA. Then, detail the services, functions, routing, boundary definitions, message formats and relevant message procedures of M3UA.The third part focuses on the design and implementation of M3UA protocol stack. First, introduces the M3UA system design. Then, introduces the design and implementation of the system modules in detail. The author use modularization and design patterns to implement a generic M3UA protocol stack which has good expandability.The last part presents the results of the system test.
Keywords/Search Tags:NGN, SS7, SIGTRAN, M3UA, SCTP, Design Pattern, Multi-thread Model
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