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Study On The Super Star Of TV News Anchor In America

Posted on:2009-08-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J TuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Up to the present, the group of TV News anchor in America is the most effective media symbol to make the information and viewpoint reach to audiences, and also presented the media features most well. On the one hand, the superstar of TV News anchor turns out with their particular personality, on the other hand, they always be in the centre of and at the lead of the public opinion. They have been considered as the guarantee of the effectiveness of TV News communication. They had been playing a decisive role in American history through their popularity and influence. Through what kind of road they have become such a superstar group? What are their basic features? In the news media time, with the emergence of Internet, what kind of change this group has faced? What kind of future can it have? Messages will be followed mainly on these topics.
Keywords/Search Tags:The superstar of TV news anchor in America, The historical development, The trend prediction, The essence analysis
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