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The Government Failure And Housing Unfairness

Posted on:2007-11-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2179360185957398Subject:Political science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Introduction of the Western market analysis found that the process of economic development in the West government and the economic behavior of government intervention is less economic liberalism, particularly Keynesianism's national interventionism in the market deep research to demonstrate the need for government intervention, especially the market will lead to social injustice. It is in this background, when the current housing market and the emergence of China as a result of the serious housing unfair, "the market" has become a target. But this view of the "market" as a shelter of the main reasons is unfair stolen biased, and thus the need for the adoption of public choice theory to empirical analysisThe full text is divided into four parts, the first part of the basic content and government housing fair in the process of achieving fair housing role (1) fair harmonious society is the inevitable demand. Fairness is a fundamental value and the concept of community is an important part of a harmonious society, the building of a fair society that is harmonious society demands. (2) fair connotations. Fair is a historical category concept, a relative, but this is explored in the context of building a socialist market economy with fair connotations. All through the analysis of social controversy three perspective : the right perspective, rules perspective and the results of their mistakes in order to provide the perspective of a new perspective : integration perspective. It is a system, based on the perspective, "based on the principle of non-discrimination guaranteed by down process fair and feasible in the context of the outcome of the pursuit of fairness and reduce the starting point differences. " (3) housing fair connotations. Housing is a basic human human rights, survival and development of humankind based one, and therefore fair housing in addition to the content contained in the fair integration of the rights of fair housing, housing allocation rules fair, housing fair distribution of the results, it should ensure equitable society to ensure that the low-income social groups, "Home Ownership Scheme. " (4) the achievement of fair housing process. First is the theory of public goods non-competitive and non-exclusivity of standards for...
Keywords/Search Tags:Government
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