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Investigation On The Alkaline Fusion Mechanism Of Synthetic FeTiO3as Principal Component Of Ilmenite

Posted on:2012-11-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2181330467476384Subject:Chemical processes
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper, the researches on the profile of titanium resources and on the enrichment method at home and abroad of the ilmenite are reviewed to learn the current primary means of disposing and the use of ilmenite. Synthetic FeTiO3which is the main component of ilmenite is taken as the research object, the structural changes of ilmenite under the action of the molten NaOH are investigated to reveal the mechanism of alkali fusion reaction and through acid leaching experiment illustrates the role of alkali fusion.In this thesis, synthetic FeTiO3is taken as raw material, the structural changes of FeTiO3and reaction products are investigated using XRD, SEM, IR, etc. Effects of NaOH-to-FeTiO3molar ratio, reaction time, pretreatment on alkali fusion reaction are studied. Acid ratio calculation of reaction products is to better reflect the impact of alkali fusion reaction on the structural of ilmenite. Through the above research, the conclusions are drawn as foliowings:1. Synthetizing FeTiO3. Through synthesis experiments with different proportions of raw materials, a single phase of the FeTiO3is obtained, and it should ensure that the molar ratio of Fe, Fe2O3and TiO2must be1:1:3.2. Alkaline fusion experiment. Through the alkaline fusion experiment with different NaOH-to-FeTiO3molar ratio, the XRD results of reaction products show that the original crystal structure of FeTiO3is destroyed and the acid leaching rate calculated from the acid leaching experiment has a higher increase. Also the effects of alkali fusion reaction time are studied, compared the reaction products with different time0.5h,4h,24h, it shows that no new substances are produced, but there maybe some differences in quality.3. Pre-treat the synthetic material. Treating the synthetic material by pre-oxidation and high-energy ball milling, the impact of pre-treatment on alkali fusion reaction is studied, while reveals the role of molten alkali. Some chemical reactions are taken during pre-oxidation process and new phases are generated. Comparing the alkaline fusion results with untreated’s, we can find that oxidation process has taken during the alkaline fusion reaction which is carried out in the air. There is no new phases are produced during high-energy ball milling treatment, but some changes in FWHM are led. At the same time, it can be seen that high-energy ball milling treatment can promote alkaline fusion reaction at some extent from its acid-soluble rate.
Keywords/Search Tags:FeTiO3, alkaline fusion, acid leaching, pre-oxidation, high-energy ball milling
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