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On Trade Mode Of Institutional Investors

Posted on:2007-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S J KongFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Institutional Investor is the most important kind of"buyer"in capital market. Its status and functions are changing with the development of capital market. In almost all kinds of financial markets, Institutional Investor is becoming the"leading actor"!Currently, the authorities put forwards that it should develop various Institutional Investors in our capital market actively. But how to understand the Institutional Investor's behavioral characteristic correctly? How to utilize the study outcomes and practice experiences in those mature markets? Obviously, these are significant questions for discussion, and they also need us to answer right now!Firstly, this paper analyses some theories about decision-making behavior of Institutional Investors adequately; in following sections, the development of Institutional Investors in mature markets is described and analyzed; after then, we make the positive studies with using the data of domestic market; at last, this paper gives its conclusion that includes a summarization and some advice for the further reform of China's capital market.The paper is divided to five chapters: Chapter 1,The Prelude; Chapter 2, The Part of Theoretical Analysis; Chapter 3, The Development of Institutional Investor's Behavior Mode in Capital Market; Chapter 4, The Positive Studies of Institutional Investor's Typical Trade Strategy; Chapter 4, Conclusions and Some Advices.
Keywords/Search Tags:Institutional Investor, decision-making foundation, strategies of trade, herd effect
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