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Evaluation And Sensitivity Analysis Based On Multiple Attribute Decision-Making

Posted on:2009-07-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360242472606Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Multiple Attribute Decision-Making is a important part of the Modern Decision Science, it has been used in many fields. Solving method of Multiple Attribute Decision-Making was discussed mostly, and the sensitivity analysis which can reveal the regular of the judgment matrix and the weight was paid less attention. The more application of Multiple Attribute Decision-Making, the more people are attracted by sensitivity analysis. The research and discussion of the sensitivity analysis is meaningful. In this paper, sensitivity analysis for Multiple Attribute Decision Making is studied from the two aspects including the stable intervals of attribute weights and the independence from irrelevant alternatives.1) Stable intervals of attribute weights, Stable interval, which make at least two alternatives remain the original position, of several methods of Multiple Attribute Decision-Making are given. We discuss the stable intervals of SAW,TOPSIS,PROMETHEE; The maximum stable interval that makes the result unchanged in ELECTRE is obtained. The sensitivity analysis of location of root about judgment matrix is discussed. Then every attribute is compared in each method, the most sensitive attribute and how to deal with it are discussed; meanwhile every method is compared in each attribute, the most sensitive method is pointed out. Based on these, arithmetic of the interval that makes one of the alternatives the best is given.2) The independence from irrelevant alternatives, some paper pointed out that normalizing formulae application will (result) in violations of independence from irrelevant alternatives and lead rank reversal. The shift of the position which is caused by variety number of alternative will be proposed. The discriminant of rank reversal in PROMETHEE is given. We also discuss the effect caused by the application of entropy. The weights got through entropy change with the shift of the number of Multiple Attribute Decision-Making, which maybe lead rank reversal.Finally, a practical example about the evaluation of New Type of Industrialization is given to show the above research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Multiple Attribute Decision-Making, Sensitivity Analysis, Stable interval, Rank Reversal, PROMETHEE
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