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Research On Tourism Enterprises Word-of-mouth Marketing In Our State

Posted on:2009-12-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L N XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360272457816Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Management concept of the tourism enterprises is the tourism enterprises operative activity guiding principle. And also is how the tourism enterprises to deal with the relationship between enterprise, customer and the social. Regardless the Western Country Enterprise or Our country Enterprise have experienced the evolution of ideas from "The production center" into "customer-centric," from "Sale to Production" to "Production to Sale". Such transformation has urged the word-of-mouth marketing production. As early as before the half century, the overseas scholar pointed out that the oral traditions dissemination is the important sources of information in some family. There is a famous ancient Chinese proverb said, "wines are not afraid of deep-alley", is the good explanation of word-of-mouth marketing. This paper start from the definition of word-of-mouth tourism marketing, and gradually the reputation of word-of-mouth tourism marketing analysis, discussion, the follow is the implementing management of word-of-mouth marketing, and the analysis on its feasibility, than get a conclusion that the word-of-mouth tourism marketing is convenient and feasible. Fourth step, tourism enterprises new vision, with experience marketing and relationship marketing draw, tourism word-of-mouth marketing further operation of this type of marketing.The article first part of introduction, the statement of the meaning and motivation as well as topics related to research the situation at home and abroad, describes the methods, content and innovation. The innovation lies in this: the first time a system of word-of-tourism and establish a theoretical system. The spontaneous traditional word-of-state has not suitable for the development of modern marketing concepts, a new round of word-of enterprises should be interested in promoting, marketing internal and external marketing of combining the state, other marketing and word-of-way of combining the state. The article is the second part of the main tourist word-of-the theoretical study and establish a system of the modern theory of word-of-travel system, to explore its contents and characteristics of China's general strengths and unique advantages on the basis of building a word-of-tourism model. The third part is mainly word-of-the implementation of tourism management. And from the implementation of the principle, material mining, marketing strategy and other aspects of tourism on the word of mouth marketing in the implementation of key management content. Part IV, tourism enterprises word-of-management practices. Evoked from word of mouth marketing, looking for communicators, the negative reputation of the management and performance evaluation, the study of China's tourism reputation of the key management and marketing aspects. Part V, tourism, word-of-the New Vision, which is the innovation of this paper, word-of-a popular combination of experience marketing and relationship marketing, travel by word of mouth marketing and to further promote the extensGenerally, the dissemination of tourism information are two channels, the first is official information channels, namely through ads, brochures, sales promotion and public relations activities. Such technologies will travel information to potential tourists. The other is informal channels of information that is word-of-mouth, tourists will send the information to family members, friends, workmates and the people who you contacts. Therefore, as the tourism enterprises in planning how to play the first channel, also consider how to play the role of the second channel. Of course, tourism enterprises in carrying out word-of-mouth marketing, tourists should also see the word-of-mouth is a double-edged sword, tourists have spread the word-of-mouth publicity is conducive to tourism enterprises of the information, may also undermine the dissemination of information image of tourism enterprises . Therefore, tourism enterprises should focus on improving the quality of services as the key point, started to cultivate loyal customers, develop new designed to meet the needs of tourists. If it is because their own reasons for the dissatisfaction caused by tourists, they have to take remedial measures to provide compensatory services, prevent the tourists to spread of discontent. As for some speech intend to denigrate the enterprise, they have to disperse correct information timely to prevent it. In short, the tourism word-of-mouth marketing is a systematic project, only a long term effort can achieve the desired results. Tourism enterprises in the implementation of word-of-mouth marketing strategy with a smaller, low cost, high reliability of information, easy to agree with tourists and other potential advantages. Therefore tourism enterprises in the first channel of innovation, at the same time, word-of-mouth marketing will become a new means of marketing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tourism enterprise, Tourism word-of-Mouth marketing
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