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View Dollar Exchange Rate Decision From U.S. Exchange Rate Policy

Posted on:2011-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J T WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the Bretton Woods system defeat in 70s, the world monetary system come into the era of floating exchange rates, Western countries didn't have a fixed rate. Currency exchange rate determined by the International Monetary Market, due to exchange rate changes constantly, it significantly affect the economy, what determined the exchange rate? Various exchange rate determination theory from different angles explain the reasons for exchange rate movements. I recalled the movements of dollar exchange rate since the collapse of the Bretton Woods, the dollar exchange rate determination theory, the economic background of U.S. presidents faces and the economic and exchange rate policy that taken Dollar as the world's reserve currency and in a United States-led monetary system, the U.S. dollar exchange rate is decided by the U.S. exchange rate policy not markets, What kind of Exchange Rate come up to U.S. macro-control target, What kind of Exchange Rate meet U.S. national interest, The United States will take measures conducive to the exchange rate towards the direction of their own, so, changes in the dollar is a policy decision by the United States, rather than its advertised determined by the free market.U.S. exchange rate policy-making have a stringent process. U.S. exchange rate policy is make by the U.S. Treasury Department and the U.S. President to formulate. U.S. Treasury Department and the U.S. Federal Reserve coordinated, responsible to the United States Congress. US exchange rate policy have no fixed goal, it is components of U.S. macroeconomic control policy.
Keywords/Search Tags:exchange rate policy, macroeconomic control, strong dollar, weak dollar
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