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Synthesis And Catalysis Of Amidinoalumium Compounds

Posted on:2016-12-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S F ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2191330482950792Subject:Organic Chemistry
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Organometallic chemistry is an interdisciplinary in the chemical field. It is on the basis of organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry and it is also closely related to the catalysis chemistry, stereochemistry, theoretical chemistry, biological chemistry, crystallography and other disciplines. At present, the rapid development momentum organometallic chemistry plays an essential role in the industrial synthesis, medicine, agriculture and environmental protection.Based on the above background, a train of methyl(methoxide) amidinoalumium complexes were synthesized, and applied to catalyze the Tishchenko reaction and Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley reduction reaction.Chapter 1. This paper systematically introduced the development of the subject:(1) Research progress of amidinometal complexes and their reaction with oxygen; (2) the research progress of the Tishchenko reaction; (3) the research progress of MPV reduction reaction.Chapter 2. The insertion reaction of oxygen to an amidinoalumium complexes was investigated. Different carbodiimides reacted with trimethylaluminum at room temperature to get amidinoalumium complexes, then dry oxygen were introduced slowly into the solution at-78℃ to get the target compounds. The structures were characterized by 1H,13C NMR and X-ray single crystal diffraction analysis. These compounds with novel structure showed high tolerance to air and moisture.Chapter 3. The methyl(methoxide) amidinoalumium complexes were used to catalyze the Tishchenko reaction. These compounds exhibited excellent catalytic activities for the dimerization of aliphatic aldehydes and aromatic aldehydes under mild conditions by optimizing the conditions.Chapter 4. The methyl(methoxide) amidinoalumium complexes were applied to catalyze the MPV reduction reaction. Through the screening of catalyst and its dosage, reaction temperature, reaction time,we obtained the optimum catalytic conditions. High yield of the aldehyde is reduced to the alcohol within two hours.
Keywords/Search Tags:Amidinoalumium complexes, Insert oxygen, Catalysis, Tishchenko reaction, MPV reduction reaction
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