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Calix [6] Arene And Sulfosalicylic Cup [6] Arene In Capillary Electrophoresis Separation Of Isomers

Posted on:2001-09-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2191360002952716Subject:Analytical Chemistry
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
ANSTMCTCalixarene are cavity-shaPed cyclic molecules made uP of phenol whtSlinked by alkylidene grouPs. They possess interesting basket-shaPediWmolecular cavities. Calirarenes are caPable of seleCtive interactions withmany metal ions and orgboc molecules as recrptor molecules. Lilie cyclodextrinsand crown ethers, calixarenes can accornmodate molecules in their different sizedcavities to form boical host-guest comPlexes. Due to their cuPshaPed ardstecforefOrmed by ordered, oriented, substitUted benzene rings, calixaren can includesmall gUest molecules of an aPpropriate size and condgUration in the cavity andretain them through differen physical interachons as thirdgeneraionsuPermolecules.In thes thesis, the aPPlication of calixarenes derivatives in gas chromatograPhyliquid chromatograPhy and caPillny electrOPhOresis is summedzed. In this paPerthe caPillare eletrophoretic scyaration of the POsinonal isomers of ultrOedline inthe presence of calir[6]arene was investigated. The effeCts of the calix[6]areneconcentration and the orgboc addihves on the seParaion behavior of the isomersof nitrOaniline was also discussed. It was the first tirne to seParae the isomers ofnitroboline with calix[6larene in orghac System. The sulfOnatocalix[6]arene waswater-sohibility And the effect in the seParation of the isomers ofnitroAnline withsulfonatocalix[6]axene, 6-CD and SDS in phoSPhate buffer was also investigated.The "syneopshc effeet" of the three additives was discussed firstly The threeisomers of nitroedline can get the baseline scyaration based syneopshc effectsamong three addihves. The seParaion of the (i)hinaPhthol was inveshgated byIlcapillary electrophoresis with the sulfonatocalix[6]arene as additive in the first time. The influence factors to chiral separation were discussed, and the optimal condition in the separation of the (?-binaphthol by capillary electrophoresis was established.
Keywords/Search Tags:capillary electrophoresis, calix[6]arene, sulfonatocalix[6]arene, synergistic effect, nitroaniline, (±)-bmaphthol
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