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The Design Process Of Brake Clearance Testing Alarming Device Of Yj-a

Posted on:2011-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2198330305960471Subject:Detection Technology and Automation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The lifting winch is one of the key factors in the safety production of the mine. The disk brake, as the braking system of the lifting winch, serves to implement the ultimate protection. Its safety running is directly connected with the production cost of the mine and the safety of personnel.This paper mainly discusses the design process of brake clearance testing alarming device of YJ-A.The system of computer system placed near the disk brake in the winch room and of slave system placed near the object which is checked,mainly conducts the collecting, treatment, storage, displaying and communication of the three technical indexes—the disc-brake working clearance,the temperature of motor bearing and the valve position and is capable of producing acousto-optic alarm when the indexes go beyond the limit. The working clearance is measured through the displacement of the BWG3-5mm inductive frequency modulation displacement sensor. Temperature of motor bearing is measured through infrared temperature sensor of IRTP-300L. The valve position is measured through Dc wet valve Solenoid of MFZ6-22YC.The measured data are displayed by LED and transmitted to the main device by the RS-485 bus in real time. The LED can produce signals by the change of its displaying color and the emission of buzzer sound when alarm occurs.The system, which only needs an ordinary environment and communication cables, is able to meet the practical demands for its simple operation, low cost, stability and reliability in performance, and convenient installment and maintenance. It is of vital importance to the safety production of the mine by improving the modern management of the disk brake of the winch and effectively reducing the corresponding hidden dangers.
Keywords/Search Tags:the lifting winch, disc brake clearance, bearing temperature, valve position, acousto-optic alarm
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