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Xiao Hong Jiang Beloved Novels Of Female Consciousness

Posted on:2007-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360185467235Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis is mainly a comparative research about the works of field o f life and death and human problem by which Xiao Hong and Jiang Jing ai's reputation were first made. Xiao Hong and Jiang Jingai were respecti vely famous during 1930s in China and South Korea . I look into these wor ks from the perspective of women's using the method of comparison and a nalyze the works from the background of the authors , the fates of the wom en in the works and the consciousness of women .My thesis is made up of three parts: the first part, study the creation background and discuss life experience on their creation. The second part, analyze women fates revealed in the two works from two aspects: first of all , within the society of men powered where men were the center of the whole world ,women were just appendixes of men ,not knowing their value as a human being ;secondly, mainly discuss the fact that women were tortured multiply by class oppression and gender oppression in the half colony and half feudal society. The third part, analyze consciousness of women of the two works classifying three types and discuss the mental condition and psychological condition highlighting the women characters in these two works.Sum up the whole thesis in the conclusion, pointing out that it was the unlucky childhood experience and progressive ideas they accepted that formed the spring of their creation .The two authors both based on their wandering life to foreshadow rich experience for their creation so as to form the tragic consciousness of life ;they were both affected by men during their hard life and the course of expressing themselves by the tools of literature. But the ways were different : Jiang Jingai emphasized the class conflict uniting the benefit between women and oppressed class. On the other hand , Xiao Hong emphasized the effect of supremacy of the father on social life, power relation between genders. It is significant in culture reflect over the past. As far as Xiao Hong was concerned ,she put forward the women issue under the man powered society, but not giving the right way out for the liberation of women ,while Jiang Jingai put the real problem into her work and put forward the concrete method for women liberation suming it up to the liberation of the whole society, though the...
Keywords/Search Tags:work comparison, women character, women consciousness, women liberation
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