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Shangzhouwenhua Zhuangzi

Posted on:2007-11-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L M XingFull Text:PDF
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Recently, with the introduction of Postmodernism, it is popular to re-deduct the Zhuang Zi's idea by the concepts of Postmodernism. But the difference between the idea of Zhuang Zi and the thought of Postmodernism is ignored. In order to master the essence of the Zhuang Zi's idea, one must put more attention on its origin. Hence, this paper studies the origin of Zhuang Zi's life philosophy and his metaphysics. On this basis, this paper discusses the relationship between the culture tradition of Shang-Zhou dynasty and the romantic temperament of Zhuang Zi. The main contents are as follows:Firstly, the origin of Zhuang Zi's life philosophy is studied. The idea of religion transformed in Shang dynasty and Zhou dynasty. In this transformation, the mystic power was defeated by the ethical power of human. Therefore, the ethic theory emerged. The development of this theory gave birth to the independent personality. Zhuang Zi came in for some spirit of the independent personality, and developed them by Lao Zi's metaphysics. Hence his unique supernal life philosophy formed.Secondly, the origin of Zhuang Zi's metaphysics is studied. In the Western-Zhou dynasty, the myth type transferred from material divinity to abstract divinity, and the method of augury suffered the same course. Human's abstract ideation developed in this course. In Spring-Autumn dynasty, myth was re-explained by the thought of ethic and philosophy, and lost the validity of explaining the nature phenomena and human life. In the articles of Zhuang Zi, mythes turned into fables. Zhuang Zi described his metaphysics by these fables.Lastly, on the basis of above, this paper discusses the relationship between the culture tradition of Shang-Zhou dynasty and the romantic temperament of Zhuang Zi. Zhuang Zi's romantic spirit included witch's enthusiasm, but not indulged in the superstition. This benefited from the culture tradition of Zhou dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhuang Zi, culture of Shang, culture of Zhou
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