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Urban Emmanuel Mapping

Posted on:2009-05-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P HuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Modern western music can be described as a city culture, and the city lifestyle determines its unique spirit construction. The differences of the music functions, the music style and the status of the musicians in classicism and romanticism period, are related to the different cities which they live. As a cultural style, the western music recorded the process that the strong village relations was replaced by the city relations after human leaved nature into the city, and described in its own way the development of city culture and the character and quality of the residents. It can be said that the research of the history of the western music, had not divorced from the investigation of the city cultural landscape.As individuals, human essentially is the existence of city space, and is always busy with the production of the space and places, territories and regions, environment and housing. In the production process of the spaces, the human is always wrapped in a complex relationship with the environment, and itself is a unique space unit. On the one hand, our behaviour and thinking are all the times shaping the space around us, but at the same time, we live in the collective and social nature, produce a greater space and place. But the human space nature is a product of human motivation and the environment or context. The latitude of the space will disembogue the new mode of the thinking and interpretation to the traditions of marriage of the historic and sociology, and which will help us to think about the consensus, complexity and dependent of the society, history and space, to resurvey the development of the western music in a new dimension.In this paper, mainly through the analyze of the different cities in 18 and 19th-century musical development periods, we describe the landscape in city locations of the western music, explore how the music reflects the city souls, and how human create the city culture included the music, and then find out how the city as the natural habitat of the civilized human, plays a central role in development of the music, so as to demonstrate the decisive role of the city culture to the development of music.
Keywords/Search Tags:City Space, Function of the Music, Aesthetic Paradigm, Classicism, Romanticism
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