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National Integration In The Language Specification: The Reason, The Limits Of Innovation

Posted on:2011-08-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R P ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Language planning and standardization is a means of national integration. The basic service of language planning and standardization is always needed in the national integration and modernization in China. Historically, the practice of language planning and standardization has started since late Qing Dynasty. Faced with policy dilemmas of language administration, the language planning and standardization nowadays has a serial of new problems to cope with:the increasing use of foreign languages (mainly English), the increasingly high voice of protecting dialects and reinstating traditional characters, which spreads rapidly in society. These difficult problems are presented as a kind of social tension harmful to the national integration, and meanwhile they have serious negative impacts on the national identity in the ideological aspect. In order to improve language planning and standardization, it is necessary to make an objective and full consideration and analysis of Language planning and standardization, so as to dissipate social tension and promote the function of language (writing system).This thesis investigates reasons, extents and renovations of language planning and standardization:language planning and standardization should keep pace with national integration by continuous self-adjustments and improvements. Of course, the premise of this understanding is that language is in constant development, and the language standardization keeps language developing on the right track:propitious to the national integration. Therefore, this thesis puts forward a fundamental proposition: there's an intrinsic relationship between national integration and language planning and standardization which should be carried out appropriately for better service of national integration.Focused on this proposition, the thesis makes an analysis and demonstration of the following key opinions:firstly, the double properties of language, "material" and "spirit", "tool" and "culture", keeps its influences on language development from opposite value orientations. The property of tool of the language is the inner driving force of language planning and standardization. Secondly, language planning and standardization improves the "tool" function of language, which reflects the basic demand of national integration, tally with the national integration. Thirdly, national integration is the ultimate reason for language planning and standardization. Being restricted by language's culture property, language standardization has its limitations, which can be observed and analyzed from the limitations of national integration. Fourthly, language planning and standardization is adjustable. Adherent to basic language value-orientation and in synchronization with national integration, language planning and standardization should also take account of situation of national integration. Presently, it centers on creating a "harmonious language life" in accordance with constructing "harmonious society".
Keywords/Search Tags:Language planning and standardization, Language Administration, National Integration, Language Harmony
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