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Our Citizens Network Privacy Laws To Protect

Posted on:2012-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J NingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206330332493630Subject:Science of Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Computer network technology and the rapid development of Internet industry change with each passing day, make our living environment has undergone earth-shaking changes, it brings us convenient way of life and work. But we were enjoying the network brings us convenience and benefit, our network privacy also suffering moment may be in danger of infringement. This paper studies how to protect citizens is the theme of network privacy, the text is divided into three chapters from network privacy, privacy, combining foreign definition of network privacy protection mode and the protection status in China and to protect our citizens to discuss network privacy are proposed.The first part is to privacy, network privacy overview. First the from privacy led the development of the concept of privacy, combining network appear raises the concept of network privacy, analyzes the privacy of network privacy information can be divided into two kinds, static and dynamic network privacy to infringe upon the final way is analyzed.The second part is to foreign network privacy protection pattern analysis. For the United States, the European Union, Germany, Hong Kong and Taiwan regions protection mode are analyzed. United States and the European Union are emphatically analyzed their use of different protection mode, the United States adopt the difference of self-discipline protection legislation to protect the priority, supplemented by mode, the eu is taken through the legislative regulation pattern.The third part is for our web privacy legislation present situation and the complete system analysis. On our first network privacy protection legislation after the analysis of the current situation in China, to perfect the system of network privacy protection proposed: network privacy laws, shall be formulated in judicial practice of network privacy protection to strengthen the role of judicial precedent and perfect our Internet industry self-discipline mode.
Keywords/Search Tags:network privacy, privacy, industrial self-discipline, legislative protection
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