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Copyright Infringement Caused By P2p Technology Research

Posted on:2012-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H F YanFull Text:PDF
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The rapid development of the P2P technology has brought a great many convenience to the people, which produces the share spirit of the without boarder internet to the best. The consecutive progress of the broadband has accelerated the transmission of the files on the internet. The P2P technology is being used in various computer softwares. However, what cannot be ignored is the convenience of the transmission on the internet brought enormous threat to the copyright that raises great challenge to the current law system. The conflicts among the copyright-holder, the development of the technology and the internet users are expanding more and more. How to protect the copyright adequately and improve the technology concurrently on the theory and practice is the focus.This thesis analyzes the three classic cases in the US and the P2P infringement cases in China to research the joint infringement in China's law system and the indirect infringement in other countries. This thesis provides some suggestions on the law of China to regulate the P2P infringement.This essay divides three parts, including forward, straight matter and conclusion. The straight matter has includes four chapters.The first chapter is about the introduction of the P2P technology and the influence to the disc business.The second chapter is mainly about the direct infringement to the P2P soft ware users including the download and upload. This chapter also introduces the fair use system.The third chapter is about the liability of the developer of the P2P soft ware and expands the action by using some renowned cases in the US, including the Napster and the Grokster. It also analyzes the P2P infringement cases in our country.The forth chapter is about the legislation of P2P in China and the writer's suggestion. It mainly introduced the legislation system and the differences between the joint infringement in China and the indirect infringement internationally. It also suggests the copyright compensation in practice, digital right management and so on to balance the interest among the copyright-holder, suppliers of P2P soft ware and the internet users.
Keywords/Search Tags:P2P technology, direct infringement, indirect infringement
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