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Witness Protection System

Posted on:2012-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H XuFull Text:PDF
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Testimony of the witness is one of the seven proofs stipulated in the criminal procedure law of our country.In criminal litigation, it plays an quite important part in ascertaining the truth of cases and promoting the criminal procedure. It can also be the determining factor of crime conviction in some cases.However,testifying and protection of criminal witnesses in judicial practices have always been difficulty problems of criminal litigation and judicial reform.There are many reasons for such difficulty,and one of them is the lack of Overall protection for witnesses. the laws of our country does not provide good testifying environment,which not only affects the occurrence of above-mentioned difficulties,but also the resolutions. Therefore, establishment and perfection of criminal witness protection is the need of guarantting the witness testifying,the need of perfecting the procedure law system,and the need of promoting the criminal judgement ways reform.Establishment of criminal witness protection will be beneficial to protecting the rights of witnesses completely, safeguard the social fairness and judicial justice and comply with the establishment of socialism harmonious society,which follows the international criminal judicial trend and matters a lot in reality.This paper based on the current situation of witness protection of our country,by analyzing the foreign comparatively mature witness protection system,apply practice analysis, history analysis,comparative analysis and comprehensive analysis to provide some practical and specific suggestions for establishment and perfection of criminal witness protection of our country.The first part is general introduction of criminal witness protection by defining the qualification, content and meaning.The second part is analysis of the foreign witness protection system. This part is aimed to provide suggestions by specifying the legislation,practice,the object,conditions, means and procedures of witness protection.The third part is the current situation of witness protection.this part is aimed to provide the focus of witness protection system by analyzing the legislation of our witness protection, and the current situation and problems of the witness protection.The fourth part is perfection of criminal witness protection.this part is aimed to provide practical suggestions for establishment and perfection of criminal witness protection of our country from the theory support,the main body,time,content, means,witness safety protection,economical compensation, and witness immunity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Criminal witness protection, Analysis abroad, The current situation of law, Perfection design
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