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Research On Illegally Obtaining Citizen 's Personal Information Crime

Posted on:2016-06-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J DengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the information society, people pay more attention to the value of information.The situation of the infringement of citizens’ right also occur. Therefore, China’s “Criminal Law Amendment(seven),” added the crime of illegally obtaining personal information of citizens. The purpose is to use punishment means to regulate the behavior of the citizens’ personal information. Protection of citizens’ personal information is required for the situation. Only the criminal law protection, the lack of convergence with the pre-law would undermine the crime in the judicial practice of operability. For the correct application of the provisions of the crime and solve the problem of cut cases, based on practice, mainly on the following issues were studied. First, define the connotation and denotation personal information of citizens; secondly, for “serious cases” standard has been defined and proposed specific measures; and finally, for the crime of illegally obtaining information from citizens and improve the pre-law, guilt and legal punishment put forward three suggestions to improve. In order to protect personal information of citizens to achieve, we must perfect crime provisions.
Keywords/Search Tags:The crime of illegal access to personal information, Personal information, Serious circumstance, The perfection of legislation
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