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On The Present Situation And Prospect Of Publicity Of Judgment Documents In China

Posted on:2017-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The deepening and improvement of the publishing judgments and judicial opinions plays a significant role in promoting the judicial reform, establishing judicature authority, enhancing public confidence force of judicature, and constructing a country under the rule of law. It is the Provisions on Publishing Judgments and Judicial Opinions on Internet by People’s Courts, Interpretations of 26, 2013, that made a qualitative breakthrough of the publishing judgments and judicial opinions. Meanwhile, there are still some problems in practice on redevelopment and reuse inadequate of judge documents, because of faultiness system, insufficient reasoning and low quality in publishing judgments and judicial opinions. Beginning with the significant of publishing judgments and judicial opinions, based on practical investigation, this essay summarizes the experiences from overseas practices available for reference. As to our problems in this regard, some suggestions are listed in this essay, including optimizating system regulations, strengthening the reasonableness of judge documents, and the redevelopment and reuse after publishing judgments and judicial opinions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Judgments and Judicial Opinions, Domestic Situation, Overseas Practices, OptimizationSuggestion
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