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The Mechanism Of The Distribution Of Benefits Of State-owned Foreign Trade Enterprises And The Competition For Talent Force

Posted on:2003-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With gradually releasing of foreign-trade management right, state-owned foreign-trade enterprises lose advantage in foreign trade, and its inherent problems along with new problems immediately expose entirely. Among them, the loss of valuable talents is particularly outstanding. Without question, valuable talents are the most precious resources. Running off of large quantities of valuable talents constitute serious threat to existing and development of state-owned foreign-trade enterprises .In this article we establish an extended utility function with variables as follows: currency income, opportunities to rise, fair feeling, leisure time etc. We think that the function can explain actions of management personnel in state-owned foreign-trade enterprises. And this function bases on Hypothesis of Economic Man, the most important premise of economics. Being The Economic Man, management personnel in state-owned foreign-trade enterprises always pursue their benefits to maximum. Their benefits will be divided into benefits of residual claim and residual rights of control, along the way of thinking of modern enterprise theories. Management personnel in state-owned foreign-trade enterprises take control of their effects to work on the efficiency of their enterprises. At the same time, they compare benefits of residual claim and residual rights of control with that in other types of foreign-trade enterprises, to make decisions whether to leave the enterprises or not. Through analysis of benefits distribution mechanism in state-owned foreign-trade enterprises, we conclude that there exist some problems against attracting talents: The currency income is comparatively lower. There is an imbalance in possessing of the right of control. Payment system lacks flexibility. In the end, we discuss the countermeasures to leave over talents.
Keywords/Search Tags:Benefits distribution mechanism, State-owned foreign-trade enterprise, Hypothesis of economic man, Residual claim, Residual rights of control, Brain drain.
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