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Study Of The Internationalization Of The Securities Market In China

Posted on:2004-01-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y LvFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The internationalization of security market is a big theoretical and practical problem; many scholars have done many efficient researches on this issue. Under the background of economic globalization and Chinese entry into WTO, researches into the internationalization of China's security market on the process of economic transition have special and great theoretical and practical importance.Firstly, the dissertation analyzes the theoretical foundation and policy implication of the internationalization of security market, then specifically analyzes the benefits and risks of the internationalization of security market. After that, points out that, due to China's special conditions, implementing the internationalization of security market in our country has to face many structural problems and realistic difficulties. On the base of the analyses above, many constructive suggestions concerned about the strategic choices of the internationalization of China's security market are recommended in this dissertation.The internationalization of China's security markets is a changing process of market system under differential social economic background. During economic transition on China, development of security market is not full-blown; therefore, the internationalization of China's security market must be carrying out according to the principle "safety preference, give attention to efficiency" . The internationalization of China's security markets should be implemented at the preliminary and advanced phrases. At the former period, it should both introduce the foreign investment and export the capital. The two phrases can be divided at the point of the completely free exchange of the capital projects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internationalization of security market, Interests and risks, Structural problems, Realistic difficulties, The characteristic of "two phrases
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