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A Causal Relationship Between The State Compensation

Posted on:2005-08-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N XiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360125457662Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The study on the causation within state compensation liability is far more than a theoretical one in academic study but one of the law philosophy in existing practical application. That's why any further studies on it will surely contribute much to judging involving cases of state compensation. With the theory system unintegrated, it's hard to follow a corresponding guidance in the judicial practice when it comes to judging cases of state compensation so that it maybe a happening that the government ignores its compensation liability which it should take or the government wrongly bears or over bears its legal compensation duties. These state compensation cases in return damage the authoritative image of the national just compensation and no doubtly they are utterly harmful to our law system's so in my opinion it's urgent that the theory system of the causation within the state compensation liability be integrated. This dissertation will expound respectively the following topics in five parts: part I is laid out to introduce the basic conceptions within the state compensation liability such as within law of state compensation, compensation liability, the contusive elements of the compensation liability etc; part II focuses on causation theories by which it demonstrate the conception of causation in philosophy and in other laws as well as the relationship between them. Part III is mainly about the conception of causation in state compensation including the task of the study . part IV analyses the existing problems involved in our state compensation liability; part V makes my humble suggestion points about developing the theory of causation in our state compensation system.
Keywords/Search Tags:State compensation, Causation, Causation in fact, Causation in law, Straight cause
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