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On The Reconstruction Of Civil Retrial Procedure

Posted on:2006-08-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Z ZhuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Civil retrial system is the Important part of civil action system of our country The direction of its reform is the hotspot for researching and debating in our academia and law. The article reckon that the civil retrial system should fully respect the appealing and dealing right of party. It should follow the value of equality of process and entity and should view the revising misjudge and maintaining the stability of effective juridical as its guidance thought. The article has four parts:1.The definition of civil retrial and its differences with the definition of civil trial monitor system. An introduction of the history development of civil retries system.2.The introduction of the current retrial system of France, Germany and Japan and the introduction of British-American civil retrial revising system. Analysing the guidance thought and relative law theories of civil retrial system of western countries.3.Thinking about the problems of retrial system existing in our current law system. Analysing the problems existing in the guidance thought, value tendency and the principles in civil retrial system.4.According to the analysing of the existing problems in our current civil retrial system, putting forward its rebuilding assume.
Keywords/Search Tags:civil retrial system, appealing right, dealing right, the value tendency, the rebuilding assume
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