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Our Research On The Defects And Perfection Of System Of Registration Of Real Property Ownership

Posted on:2007-08-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
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Real property is a significant property which has a close relationship with people's existent interests. Therefore, the registration of real property is vitally important in order to confirm the safety of marketing transaction and protect the interest and right of Bona Fide third party. After reforming the compensable transfer systems of state-owned land, the management of real property in our country has made a great development, while the legislation steps relatively slowly. According to the principle of public notice, all kinds of transfer of real property's ownership should be registered officially. However, we haven't constituted integrated real property registration system yet in our country. There are only some relative rules or regulations scattering in other law. Considering the vitally important influence on social economy, real property regulations must be one of the main components of Property Law which is to be constituted. Therefore, as the fundamental component of real property regulations, real property registration system will become one of the keystones in the study of Property Law in the future years. Starting from the basic theories of real property registration system, the thesis analyzes the problems existing in current registration system of our country, and brings forward some suggestions to improve the real property registration system in our country. The thesis is mainly divided into three parts:The first part of the article is to explore the basic theory of real property registration system. The so-called real property registration refers to the fact that the special national organs record real property changes in matters relating to real property rights registry with the application of the right. On the basis of this fact, the basis of the registration of real property, registration procedures, registration and the effectiveness is established. Based on this, the system of the real property registration is set up. It enables changes of real property rights to be recognized and provide legal guarantees for the security of transactions. Establishing a registration system for real estate is to maintain the order of rights possession and...
Keywords/Search Tags:property law, real property registration system, imperfection, improvement
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