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On Criminal Illegal Evidence Exclusion Rules

Posted on:2007-07-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The debate on the theory and practice of the rule of excluding the criminal illegal evidence has been lasting more than a century. this is because it is a concentrated body consisted ofthese two big conflicts between target and coordination of the pertaining to crimelitigation and punishment of crime and the guarantee of human rights, betweentraditional target that follow punishment's crime and the high guarantee of themodern and big ensign of human rights, between perplexing the pertaining to crimelitigation theories of all countries and a hard nut to crack of the fulfillments. There is ablank to the illegal proof exclusion rule in the lawmaking and there have been twoschools of disagree and dispute, Along with judgment reformation and the enlargementof the strengths, the absorb of two greatest proof rules mutually. It is a great pity thatwill absorb advanced law in world civilization since all the conditions has been mature.The paper analyzes the theories foundation in the rule and investigates the theories and fulfillments and draw lessons from illegal proof of, combine the ourcountry lawmaking with foreign one, makes punishment crime and guarantee humanrights into consideration, This passage will generally analyze the exceptionable rule of criminal illegal proof in our country.What is the illegal proof ?The legal basis of the exceptionable rule of criminal illegal proof.The difficulties of founding the rule in our country and the necessities of founding and perfecting the exceptionable rule of criminal illegal proof.Finally, depending on the former analyses, this passage will set forward different measures to found and perfect exceptionable rule of illegal proof.
Keywords/Search Tags:The illegal proof, Exclusion rules, To set up
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