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On The Reproductive Rights

Posted on:2007-12-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y WuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Procreation ability is a premise and base that will produce our human' s continuation and relative' s relationship. Procreative right flowing from the human being' s physiological heredity and procreative culture should be protected by the constitutional law. As the citizen' s most fundamental civil right protected by the constitutional law should belong to the status right of the personal rights. To be sure of the contents about the procreative right is the premise or base of procreation ability protected by the law. The procreative right is the basic right that every natural person should enjoy, while at the same time the procreative right must be restricted by the law and moral strength.The thesis studies the procreative right from five aspects. Firstly, the general theories of the procreative right are discussed. At the beginning, the author discusses the essence of the procreative right and thinks that the procreative right belongs to the personal rights, the status right of the personal rights, from the analysis of the concept of procreative right and character. Then, the author believes that the procreative right is the civil right protected by the constitutional law. At last, the...
Keywords/Search Tags:procreation, procreative conduct, procreative right
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