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Contract Right To Terminate Research

Posted on:2007-11-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q J WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Contract is an agreement or legal evidence which binds the rights and obligations of the parties. But the contract will terminate at last when the parties have performed the rights and obligations as a condition. There are many reasons terminating the rights and obligations in China Law, it is the most important reason that the contract is rescinded, China's Contract Law is a complete, rigorous system, which is composed of contract rescission, contract conclusion, contract effectiveness, contract performance, contract assurance and contract liability. The contract can be rescinded the condition that the laws stipulate or the parties agree the time limit to exercise the right to rescind the contract, the said one party to a contract who advance to rescind the contract has to have the right to rescind the contract, except the parties to the contract reach a consensus through consultation. Which is set forth in Paragraph 2 of Article 93 and 94 of the Contract Law, This text expatiated on the right to rescind the contract situation, the exercise of the right to rescind the contract and how does the one party to defend the party having the right to rescind the contract the same that this text analyzed the difference from the right to rescind the contract as stipulated by the laws and agreed upon by the parties in the contract in China and foreign countries law, using the comparative method, it also analyzed the right to rescind the contract and exercise on China Law. The scholars have many different views on the right to rescind the contract. This article is to argue that the issuers are the more controversial and related to the interests of the parties. For example, the agreement right to rescind, arbitrary right to rescind, he restrictions of breach right to rescind, the conflict on the implied anticipatory breach of contract and fulfilled defenses right, whether the right to rescind can go to the court and prosecute directly without receiving the notice. It is suggested that the law should be perfected according to the national conditions and the legislation state in china combining theory with practice..
Keywords/Search Tags:law about contracts, cancellation of contract, right to rescind the contract
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