Modern China is in transition of political and economical area. As the change of thesocial circumstances, the Chinese government is in the process of deconcentration anddevolution. As a result, the government has expressed its hope to build a harmony societywith the help of the power of the local self-governance and the Non-GovernmentOrganizations. Under this background, the civil power has grown fast, and the Ngos inChina grow fast, too. The Chinese Ngos have grown into a certain scale after over tenyears development. And also, they have been part of the social governance such as mercyproject, environmental protection and enterprise interests-sharing programs. However, asthe traditional idea of government ruling, the government is still the main part of thegovernance process. In a smaller sense, the Chinese Ngos' have to participate the localgovernance project to be part of the governance. They have to cooperate with the localgovernment or gain the permission of the local government to be part of the localgovernance. The Chinese Ngos have to be powerful. They also have to participate in thelocal programs in a legal way. In the meantime, the local government has to surpass thetraditional thought of rule the society. The local government need brought civil powers ingovernance in order to build a multi-centered governance construction. It also need tosupply enough systems to the Ngos to build a good interaction between the state and thecivil society. We will build good local governance by the efforts of both the localgovernment and the Ngos. |