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Analysis Of Housing, The Reverse Mortgage Rule Of Law

Posted on:2011-11-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y D LinFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a novelty in China, the promotion of housing reverse mortgage will create a great social benefits. However, subject to the legal system in China and the traditional ideas, when implementation of the system in China will have a lot of obstacles. This article will focus on reverse mortgages through the housing system in urban and rural China to analyze the obstacles to implement. Then I will analyze the viability and necessity of the system in China. And adopt different strategies according to the analysis. This article consists of four chapters to explain the legal issues. The first chapter will try to make a simple analyze about reverse mortgage rules, and then I'll make a horizontal comparison of ordinary home mortgages. In addition, the practice of the system status at home and abroad will also be briefly introduced.In the second chapter, I will try to analyze the obstacles and possibilities of the reverse mortgage in the cities. By analyzing the concept obstacle and so on, it'll discuss the implementation of the system in the urban plight. At the same time, I will make some preliminary discussion on the possibility of implement the system in the city.The third chapter I will immediately analyze the obstacles and possibility when implementation of the reverse mortgage in the country. And according to the previous analysis, I will try to find the obstacles of implement the system in the country. Still, I will point out the needed for land reform in rural areas. Including the realization of equal protection of property rights between the farmers and the citizen.Based on the above analysis, chapter IV will give the solutions about how to practice the reverse mortgage in China. Such as the barriers against the idea, I proposed to seek a breakthrough from the lonely elderly community to acquire understanding and support. In addition to some restricted housing, such as affordable housing, due to the limitations of existing laws and policies, making the reverse mortgage will have some difficulties. I also proposed an innovative way to solve two different strategies.
Keywords/Search Tags:reverse mortgage, homestead, house, pension
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