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Studies On Criminal Responsibility Of Minor Offenders

Posted on:2013-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P HongFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The criminal responsibility problems of minors in China startedrelatively late, so the relevant legal provisions are imperfect orsporadically scattered in various laws, regulations,and the interpretationof the laws. This has brought a series of challenges to the theory researchand judicial practice. The text of this paper can be divided into four partsbesides t the introduction and conclusion.The first part introduces the crime values of criminal responsibilityof minors. The second part focuses on the identification of the age ofcriminal responsibility of minors, combined with judicial practice caseanalysis. The third section discusses the criminal liability for minors,focusing on the criminal liability of minors who relatively responsible forthe crimes. The fourth part is the main point of this article. It discussesthe juvenile delinquency and the use of principal penalty, and juveniledelinquency and the use of additional punishment, and juveniledelinquency and the use of non-punitive sanctions and penalties.According to the current situation of Chinese non-punitive sanctions andpenalties, the author proposes to apply the legislative model with a special chapter to establish the status of non-criminal punishmentmeasures of juvenile delinquency, to improve the system of communitycorrection, to increase additional community public labor, and to applynon-criminal punishments like sprobation assistance and education andothers, in order to further improve and perfect the ways for minors toassume criminal responsibility.
Keywords/Search Tags:Minor Crime, Criminal liability, Non-punitive measures
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