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Research On Copyright Ownership Issues Of The Audiovisual Works

Posted on:2012-12-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X E LvFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of science and technology, the audiovisual works'ownership issues has become the initial question which restricts the development of the film and television industry.This thesis is based on different legislative models of audiovisual works'ownership. It introduces Locke's property theory and Posner's analysis of law and economics theory, using various methods to analyze such as the comparative analysis, the case studies and the economic analysis method. Also, applying the theory to reality, this paper has launched the detailed elaboration on our country's present system and has put forward a proposal to the construction of the system of audiovisual works copyright right ownership in our country from the theoretical point.This article comprises four chapters. The author first explores the definition of audiovisual works, and then uses four chapters to probe into the discussion of audiovisual works'ownership issues, and put forward a proposal about the related legislation of audiovisual works. The first chapter is mainly about Comparative Law research. The second chapter anylzes China's legislative model about ownership of audiovisual works from economics and incentive theory angles, and tries to find out the suitable copyright ownership model from the theoretical point. The third chapter puts forward proposals about how to consummate the related legislation of our audiovisual works with the industrial situation. The fourth chapter is the concluding part, which summarizes the main issues existing in our regime and predicts the future amendments of the regulations on audiovisual works'ownership.
Keywords/Search Tags:The audiovisual works, Copyright ownership, Economics, Incentive theory, The related creators'rights and interests
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