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Tort Liability. Meaning Contact Research

Posted on:2012-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WeiFull Text:PDF
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With the continuous development of modern society violations have occurred in people's daily life. There are many kinds of tort and one common case is a separate tort. Also,there are joint violations,joint dangerous behaviors and other forms. One situation is that there is no common meaning of contact between the several people acts,but the combination of several acts cause the same damage results. This article describes such violations. We normally call it the tort committed by several persons without meaning connection. In civil law scholars there has always been considerable controversy for such violations. Therefore,the purposes of this article is that define the scope of the tort committed by several persons without meaning connection and determine the related issues of accountability.First,this paper describes a number of different understandings of the concept in academia;Second,article contains a comparative analysis of the relevant provisions and the specific application about other countries;Finally,there is a detailed description of accountability methods. By analyzing the author believes that Tort Liability Law improve the relevant provisions of the tort committed by several persons without meaning connection,this type of direct binding and indirect binding is discontinued. Instead,the results of damage can be divided or not divided. This kind of methods is very practical in the current and it is easy to distinguish and operate. There are still some difficulties in judicial practice. The author believes that we can try to us"ereversed burden of proof"to solve this problem.
Keywords/Search Tags:without meaning connection, multiple persons torts, bearing of responsibilities, joint and several liability, shared liability
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