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Problems And Solutions: Analysis Of The Preliminary Investigation System For The Crime By Taking Advantage Of Duty And Its Practice

Posted on:2012-01-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H P SunFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The preliminary investigation system plays a very important position and role in the investigation system for the crime by taking advantage of duty by the procuratorial organs in China. As a starting point for the investigation over the crime by taking advantage of duty, the quality of the preliminary investigation often affects the quality of the whole case. However, the dilemma encountered by the preliminary investigation system in the relevant legal basis and judicial practice has the efficiency and effectiveness of the preliminary investigation over the crime by taking advantage of duty affected. This paper probes into and analyzes the problem of the preliminary investigation system for the crime by taking advantage of duty in theory and practice and proposes relevant solutions, aimed to further promote the better development of the preliminary investigation in practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:crime by taking advantage of duty, preliminary investigation, clues, technology investigation, secret investigation
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