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The Based On The Logistic Regression Consumer Apparel Brand Loyalty Influence Empirical Study

Posted on:2012-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330371451657Subject:Design and engineering services
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of marketing economy, the competition among enterprises is more violent, and the brand awareness of consumers is intensified. As a result, it has become an increasingly important task to cultivate consumer brand loyalty. The key to cultivate high loyalty consumers group is to learn about formation of consumer brand loyalty and which factors can affect consumer brand loyalty and what degree that been effected. In this paper, the factors that affect consumers' brand loyalty are researched on the base of questionnaire investigation. The result is valuable to consumer behavior research and brand marketing of costume enterprises.First, theoretical research of factors that affect consumers' brand loyalty is carried out on the basis of reading a large number of relative literatures. Depending on the industry characteristics, this article analyzes the forming mechanism of consumer brand loyalty from consumers' consumption mental and behavior process. Then, this article defines and analyzes the influencing factors including two sides (enterprise and consumer) qualitatively. Next, the persons who will be investigated are chose. The index system structure of the questionnaire are formed according to study hypotheses. Meanwhile, the validity and reliability of the questionnaires are analyzed.Then eleven main components are extracted by the factor analysis and clustering analysis on the data that collected by the questionnaire. The significant factors of consumer brand loyalty are found by ordinal logistic regression analysis. From biggest to smallest, they are the attitude to risk, clothe' attributes, the mentality of diversity seeking, attitude towards the concept of self-image, convenience, service integrity, marketing and promotion.Finally, these influencing factors are analyzed by two dimensions of consumer brand loyalty---behavior loyalty & attitude loyalty. From the research, we can find there exists many differences between the influencing factors to behavior loyalty and attitude loyalty.
Keywords/Search Tags:brand loyalty, costume consumption, influencing factor, behavior and attitude, ordinal logistic regression
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