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The Research On Financing Of The High-tech Enterprise

Posted on:2013-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y T LuFull Text:PDF
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In the era of economic globalization blustery, the conflict and blending of the internationalpolitical, economic, and military is becoming obvious, in the crisis era, the main tone of the globaleconomic situation is still crisis. But in the guidance of the new technology and new economy,every economic crisis is on the road to stable development. The development of the future societymust rely on new science and technology innovation, and based on this, realize the industrialorganization reform and upgrade. At present, countries are promoting the development of scienceand technology, so as to accelerate the economic growth and enhance the international competitivepower and the influence. In our country the development of various aspects is being in theimportant strategic time, on the one hand, it is facing the rare opportunity, on the other hand, it isalso facing the risks and the challenges. In recent years, our country paid great attention to thedevelopment of high-tech enterprises, especially small and medium enterprises, and it made thevery great contribution in the aspect of promoting China's economic development and theinternational competitiveness. Developing the High-tech enterprises and realizing theindustrialization upgrade is to make the national strong and consolidate the status of the strategictask. From the new China was founded for over60years, our country's High-tech industryexperienced the three fast stages: the start, the growth, and the rapid development. Our country istrying hard to catch up with the development of the advanced countries from the initial poor andblank state. Under the situation of the information leading the industrialization and the informationpromoting the industrialization.Our country's High-tech enterprise undergoes the developmentfrom one point to entire area, has had the quite scale and the unique development.In the structure of the developed country's multinational corporation leading the globalhigh-tech industry, our country's High-tech enterprise is becoming a noticeable strength for new life.But because our country's High-tech enterprise is facing three big financing difficulties: the directfinance channel is few, the indirect financing channel is narrow and the government financingchannel effect is not obvious. And we has not established the perfect financing system of theHigh-tech enterprise under the different life cycle,this also caused our country's High-techenterprise to have the serious financing gap in the developing process, although our country'sHigh-tech enterprise is developing rapidly, but still has the disparity compared with the developedcountries. Therefore, solves the High-tech enterprise to finance the difficult question to become thetopic which gradually our country pays attention, is also the significance which this article needs to study is. Therefore, the problem of solving the financing difficulties of the high-tech enterprise is tobecome the issue of concern, and is the meaning of the study in this paper.On the basis of the western capital structure theory and in view of the problem and the presentsituation of our country's High-tech enterprise financing, this article analysis the various stages offinancing strategy using the life cycle theory and validation the financing behavior of the HUAWEIcompany life cycle. Finally, I propose the scientific and systematic suggestions to make a little helpto speed up the financing efficiency of our country's High-tech enterprise.
Keywords/Search Tags:High-tech enterprises, Life cycle, Venture capital
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