Along with the fast development of MEMS, the miniaturization ofplastic product can become realizable dream. Micro-structure injectionmolding has more and more close to us, in this background, we try to usea polymer and metal composite structure of heat exchanger instead ofprevious metal heat exchanger. As is known, injection molding has thecharacteristics of convenient process ability and a high reproduction ofcomplex structure, so it makes this wish becomes true, as our countryvigorously develop new material in the future, this technology willachieve more market promotion. Polymer micro-channel heat exchangermust have broad development prospects.According to the characteristics of micro-channel heat exchanger inthis paper, research object is established, using moldflow softwaresimulate polymer micro-channel heat exchanger. First, the best gatelocation has been analysed, then based on best gate location analysis, itcan establish a mode of the finite element with one cavity of one mold.Through filling and holding pressure and warp analysis, it can conclude that the flow and warp analysis result. Through establishing a mode of thefinite element with two cavities of one mold, it can conclude that twocavities of one mold of micro-channel heat exchanger of the filling andwarp results. Compared to melt into gate with vertical and level type onflow analysis and warp analysis, it can conclude that level type is betterthan vertical type.Through orthogonal experiment design of the polymermicro-channel heat exchanger, injection molding process research issimulated, using range analysis method discuss different processinfluence the product of warp, drawing out every process parametersmakes the change trend diagram of the quantities of warp. Finally, it issummarized that the best molding process configuration.Using laboratory micro injection molding machines on theorthogonal experiment, and considering the quality of the product asevaluation index, it can conclude that every process factor influentsequence of quality. Drawing out every process parameters makes thechange trend diagram of the quantities of warp. Finally, it is summarizedthat the best molding process configuration of micro-channel heatexchanger on the experimental study, future researchers who studypolymer injection molding technology of micro-channel heat exchangercan be provided some valid reference. This paper’s innovation lies in:(1)Applying the method of polymer micro-injection molding bysimulation and experimental study to micro-structure heat exchanger, thismethod break previous preparation of metal heat exchanger on thetradition method, this is a very good try, because injection molding hassome characteristics,such as high precision, cheap price, easy processing,large quantities of continuous production and so on.(2) Using orthogonal experiment method on polymermicro-channel heat exchanger injection molding. Through the simulationanalysis and experimental research, it can conclude that a more excellentprocess configuration result. |