Hybrid-Electric Vehicle, having the characteristics of energy-saving andenvironmental protection, has now become the future development direction of theautomobile industry. Gear shift schedule of Automated Mechanical Transmission inParallel Hybrid-Electric Vehicle is studied in this paper, which is from the follow-upstudies of the project sponsored by the state “863” high-tech program.The paper studies the shift schedule for AMT in Hybrid-Electric Vehicle. It firstintroduced the theoretical basis of the shift schedule, and showed how to determinethe best parameters. Then it designed a combined shift schedule based on the throttleopening and the vehicle speed. At last, it produced the simulink model for the shiftschedule.The paper introduces the definition and evaluation indicators of the shiftquality.It analyses the control strategy in gear shifting process for traditional vehicles,and points that the strategy could not be simply copied to Hybrid-Electric Vehiclesowing to the differences between their structures and driving system. Active synctechnology of the engine and motor could effectively reduce the consumption of thesynchronizer and clutch during the shifting, while it could not shorten the shift time,owing to the bad performance of the Engine in speed deceleration. So it proposes thatshifting without clutch operation. To reduce the difficulty when back to the neutralgear, it gives the quantitative analysis of the torque that the transmission delivers, andsolves the problem. Finally the paper gives the control strategy that shifting withoutclutch operation in Hybrid-Electric Vehicle, realizing active sync by regulating themotor.The paper developed a comprehensive control strategy for AMT based on themodular design concept, including the input signal processing module, the system control module and the actuator module, besides it explained the function of eachmodule. Energy consumption analysis was done aiming at the study, with theexception of the establishment of the simulation numerical models of the engine,motor, battery, transmission, vehicle and wheel.Bench test and road test were carried out. This chapter started with the design ofthe controlling system for AMT, including the hardware structure, the software designand the actuators of the clutch and the transmission. Then it explained the bench testfor AMT, it produced the structure layout, testing equipments and the contents.Finally, the chapter verified the comprehensive control strategy by road test. Theresult showed that it was reliable and effective to shift on this strategy. |