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Based On The Mathematical Thinking To Explore The"Natural-effect Connection" Rule Of "Chinese Herba Property"

Posted on:2013-06-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J B TangFull Text:PDF
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ObjectiveThis study is based on mathematical thinking to explore the "natural-effect connection" rule of TCM, in order to transform traditional medicinal properties theory into mathematical expression, changing the abstract professional language into modeling characterization, to make the theory can be better understood, the more important thing is to provide an analytical tool for medicinal properties theory connotation discussion. Based on the mathematical thinking to explore "natural-effect association" rules of Chinese medicine also make traditional medicinal properties theory presents open, which is beneficial to the combination of multiple disciplines, and promote the medicinal properties theory’s guidance extensification and open up a new way to further realize digital representation of traditional Chinese medicine medicinal, at the same time, providing a new train and method for discussing the connotation of medicine.ittheoryMethodsThis research tries to describe " Natural-effect connection " in mathematical relationship way and establish the mathematical model. On this basis, using statistical to analysis and summarize the law of Natural-effect connection. we perform modern interpretation of scientific connotation of Chinese herbal property theory, at the same time, increase the certainty of theory in medicinal.Results1. Describing the"natural-effect connection" of TCM in mathematical wayUsing the mathematical thinking to interpretate the "natural-effect connection" of TCM means based on mathematical method to describe the relationship between the efficacy and medicinal properties. According to the theory of medicinal properties, can inference efficacy by known properties and also can be inference properties by known effect of the drugs. So, here will change "effect<-> properties "corresponding relation into the Function equation f(x)=ax.2.Based on the mathematical thinking to Establish the "natural—effect connection"modelBased on the above relation, constructing the traditional Chinese medicine "nature-effect connection " model in Space right Angle coordinate system form.3. Establishing the "nature-effect connection information base"Firstly, this research selectes523herbal medicine of the2010edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia as the object of study, which embody the nature-effect connection to the space of the established connection model characterizing the way, establishing a "nature-effect associated information base", provide information for nature-effect connection discussion. Later, this research correction and added some information by using2010edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia3.1Based on "The Semantic Analysis of the Knowledge Element About the Chinese Herbal Property and Function" To Explore the "Ping Nature" of Four-propertiesFour-properties are also known as four-natures, including cold, hot, warm, and cool. Besides, there is also ping-nature, which of the nature is not obvious in cold and hot, but some scholars believe it is only relative, it also tends to cold or hot and not beyonds the scope of four properties. Since it does not exceed the scope of the cold and heat. this study collect the information between flat ping-nature and effect by doing a cross section in ping-natrue in "nature-effect connection information base" mentioned above, and try to use the semantic analysis of the knowledge element about the Chinese herbal property and function for exploring the ping-nature, medicinal properties and compare with the four natures of cold, hot, warm, and cool. The result proves that ping-nature should not to be contined in "cold, cool, warm, hot".3.2Discussion on the Influence of Medicine Different Dosage Proportion to Compound Prescription EffectThis research explores the change of effect by combining with properties in different coordinate axis of by use "natural-effect connection" of TCM space model,which provides basis for compatibility of medicinal properties, and also provides reference information for Traditional Chinese Medical prescription. In order to discuss the influence on the "counteraction each other’s nature without detracting from each other’s effect" to efficacy of compound prescription being due to different dosage proportion, this article selected the application of Coptidis and Evodia as the discussion object, First we analyzed the property of coptidis and evodia respectively. and then we analyzed the property compatabil ity and efficacy expression of Chinese medical compounds being composed of Coptis chinensis Franch and Evodia rutaecarpa Juss. Benth with different proportion. The results showed that those compounds’ property compatibility was almost the same, but there exsited great difference in their application. which demonstrates the influence of medicine different dosage proportion to compound prescription effect.3.3Using cluster analysis to research standardization of the Terms in material medica effectTraditional Chinese Medicine efficacy term is not standard, in certain extent already affects the modernization and internationalization process of Chinese Medicine. This research selects "expel wind-dampness"、"ecpel wind and dampness"、"dispel pathogenic factors from the superticial muscles" from "nature-effect connection information base" as discussed object in this article, trying to use the statistical method of clustering analysis to discuss the similarities of this group efficacy connotation. The result proves that it should be unified with "expel wind-dampness" to express the treating of syndrome beaseue of wind and dampness into body.ConclunsionThis reasech is based on the mathematical thinking to establish the "natural—effect connection" model, and try to explore the internal correlative rules among Chinese herbal Four-properties, Five-tastes, Channel tropism and function, therefore, we perform modern interpretation of scientific connotation of Chinese herbal property theory.This research will present openness knowledge system of Traditional Chinese herbal property theory and open up new ways to Chinese herbal property digital characterization, which also can be present new thought and method to connotation of Chinese herbal compatibility theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:effect-nature connection, Mathematical thinking, model characterization, Statistical analy
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