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The Mood In Landscape Oil Painting Creation

Posted on:2013-06-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371995325Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This artistic conception in Chinese has taken the spirit and soul of artisticworks, which is a description of the spiritual conversation betweensubstances in natural world and artists’ inner world,and which becomes thenatural flow of artists’ feeling, edification, and temperament. It isobviously seen that a excellent comment on the artistic conception is thekey of successful artistic works. In the long river of history, countlessartists work hard, deep explore and further go for the two words “artisticconception” with perseverance,which makes gradually the landscape ofoil painting improvement.In this essay, the author will set about explaining the artistic conceptionfrom three aspects, including its concepts, connotative meaning and thevery Chinese mission of oil painting scenery in the view of history. Relatedto the contemporary artistic masters in the creation of oil painting and theachievements of studying works, it is a point to talk about how can bettercut the artistic conception into my oil painting. I will try from choice ofgenres,composition of picture, grasp of the brush stroke,the use of colorsand so on to discuss my painting scenery in the creative process. What’smore, this is the most important part of the essay as well. In the lastchapter, with this account on the creative experience as well as thedeliberation or reflection in the creative process, I will discuss how to meltthe essence of excellent national culture into painting language.It isthrough the main line that I will ponder over the artistic conception at everymoment in the creation. Furthermore,this is also the key point to study seriously artistic conception.
Keywords/Search Tags:Oil Painting Scenery, Artistic Conception, Composition, Color, Creation
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