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The Perfection Of The China’s Antimonopoly Law Criminal Responsibility

Posted on:2013-12-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F WangFull Text:PDF
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The most important thing to the implementation of the law is whetherthere is a corresponding responsibility system.Although China introducedthe antimonopoly law,but on the set of the responsibility for monopolisticbehavior simply provides a monopolistic behavior should be subject toadministrative and civil responsibility,criminal liability is in theblank. The lack of criminal responsibility will greatly undermine theefforts to the implementation and the effects of the antimonopoly law andeventually lead the law to become a dead letter,and can’t be implemented.So,the establishment of China’s antimonopoly law criminal responsibilityis very necessary and urgent,this issue has important practicalsignificance for China’s antimonopoly legislation and judicial.The perfection of the antimonopoly law criminal responsibility is asystem.First,we must understand what is monopoly and the harm of it, So,wecan pay enough attention on this issue.Secondly, we have to investigatethe necessity and feasibility of monopoly behavior if it is recognizedas a crime.Only the behavior has the criminal penalty and indeedfeasibility that it can be classified as crimes.Next,China don’t haveenough experience of the antimonopoly legislation and judicialpractice.We should learn developed countries’ s legislation and absorband learn by our country’s condition.This is the only way to improve theChina’s antimonopoly criminal responsibility. Finally and the mostimportant is how to build China’s antimonopoly law criminalresponsibility system.We need start from the details and provide it inall aspects,Specifically,China’s antimonopoly criminal responsibility should have three aspects:legislation,law enforcement agencies and thecontents of the monopoly of crime.
Keywords/Search Tags:antimonopoly law, monopolistic behavior, criminal responsibility
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